Sunday, March 7, 2010

Some Things Just Should Not Be

Some things just should not be.

When opening a bottle of Italian wine the other night, I was annoyed to find a screw top instead of a cork. Nevermind that corks are seldom actually made of cork these days, but that's another topic. A couple of months ago, I had the same experience with a bottle of wine from France. I started to save the bottle with the offensive object to take its picture, but did not want to be reminded of it again. Now, two wine-countries in a row have let me down.

So imagine how I was brought to my senses the next day when my friend M. sent an e-mail about meeting a woman who had been blind since birth. Her greatest desire was to see a baby. Her greatest desire was to see a baby. Her greatest desire was to see a baby.

And I was worried about the top on a bottle of wine.

Some things just should not be.

1 comment:

  1. Wow... It seems that is all my vocabulary will allow me for something to amazing.
